Hawthorn Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd y Ddraenen Wen
Head Teacher: Mrs Hughes
School Lane, Hawthorn, Pontypridd, CF375AL. 01443 841230. admin@hawthornprimary.rctcbc.cymru.
Spring 2023 Important Information
Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year!
As we prepare to return to school on Monday 8th January, I would like to draw your attention to an important change to our usual entrance to and from school.
Planned drainage pipe works to the front of hawthorn Primary over the Christmas holidays have unfortunately uncovered unexpected complications that require an extra week to resolve.
I met representatives from KIER, 21st Century Schools and Senior Leaders from Hawthorn High School on site this week. We assessed the Health & Safety impact for our joint school communities. We have agreed the following;
From Monday 8th to 12th January, ALL children in Hawthorn Primary will enter and exit the school through the Black Nursery Gates with NO EXCEPTIONS.
School timings remain unchanged, however, classes will exit promptly. Please do not arrive too early before your child is due to exit, as space is significantly limited.
If your child arrives at school at any time, other than manned gate times, you will be required to call the school telephone number shown on the gate and barrier. This will alert a member of staff to come and open the gate to let them in.
Please can all communications with school this week, be through phone-call 01443841230 (8.30am-4.00pm) OR via email to admin@hawthornprimary.rctcbc.cymru OR through ClassDojo direct message to the class teacher.
No other adult, other than school staff, will have access to the school through the main Reception door. ONLY SCHOOL STAFF will be allowed beyond the red barrier to enter school via Reception this week.
Myself and other Senior Leaders will be available to support the smooth running of these changes and the safe entrance and exit of all our pupils. Please work with us as a strong community to make this happen.
This notice will be displayed outside of the school, on gates and barriers for your ongoing information.
We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause this week and thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Mrs Hughes